Our amazing Jammers (our young people) are at the heart of everything we do. If you are a young person with a disability aged between 6 and 25 years old, we invite you to step outside your comfort zone, dream big and discover the magic of StarJam.
“What I love about StarJam is making friends and being happy and I love dancing.” Oliver, Jammer.
“Reach for the Stars. StarJam is everything to us, we love it. Every week we come to StarJam to show who we are NOW” Jammers and best friends, Alex & Glen.
“It's not easy being a movie star for an hour, but I love it!!" Toby, Jammer.
“StarJam is like a dream come true for me as it's a place where I can share my love for music and dancing with other like-minded kids. I have felt like a part of the StarJam whānau since day one.” Ayaan, Jammer.
Be your bold, creative, extraordinary self and enrol in a StarJam workshop today. Contact 09 300 6257 or info@starjam.org
Don’t worry, anyone over the age of 25 can attend our once a term Discos, which are open to all our Jammers and the wider community.