Family Stories

StarJam’s powerful combination of music workshops and live performances create safe and fun opportunities for our Jammers (young people with disabilities) to have fun, be themselves, make new friends, learn new skills, and overcome challenges.

And StarJam has a big impact on families too. Parents and siblings love seeing their Jammer count down the days until they are back learning a new dance or song, or performing with their fellow Jammers. With StarJam, their young person can find the confidence to step out from the wings and move centre stage.

Be inspired by what our families say about StarJam.



"We chose StarJam because it was everything that he really enjoys and he can participate in workshops with people with similar challenges.

StarJam has been amazing for Ryan. His confidence is going from strength to strength. I thought the big auditorium for the concert would have scared him, but once he got into it he loved it. I believe he moved centre-stage towards the end of his act! He has watched the videos of the night again and again reliving the fun.

It is wonderful to see him want something so much and clearly music and dance is a passion for Ryan. I can't wait to see him develop in the years to come.

My only problem now is constantly explaining why he can't go to StarJam in the holidays! He keeps putting his t-shirt on in hope!! Thanks again for all your work."


James & Pomare

"The impact on James has been huge. StarJam is an immense motivator for him.

I think he loves the fact that he’s the one in the family saying ‘goodbye’ and is off out the door to ‘his’ activity – whereas normally it is the others in the family while he is at home.

It does absolute wonders for his self-esteem! When he arrives at StarJam each week he runs through the door – the only time he ever runs! He is so animated with his dancing. He is the happiest I ever see him when he’s at StarJam. His self-esteem, eye contact and confidence have all increased."

"We feel confident to leave Pomare at the workshops with the tutor and volunteers and know that he’s in a safe environment and will be well looked after. I love the fact that he can be himself in StarJam workshops. That he’s not being judged. There’s a sense of comradery in the workshops with all the participants.

Pomare has thrived since joining StarJam. He’s made a friendship with one of the other Jammers in his workshop (James). Pomare is so sociable. He absolutely loves “spot the talent” – which is done at the end of the workshop where each Jammer gets to sing or dance to a song of their choice. StarJam has helped Pomare to be more confident in the community and at school."



"When I first learnt about StarJam, I knew straight away that Ayaan would love this group as he had started dancing as soon as he learnt to walk soon after his 4th birthday!

Since Ayaan has a very friendly nature, he doesn't shy away from joining in and dancing on other friend's dance numbers along with them. A platform of such nature allows Ayaan to have a sense of belonging and gives him a chance to have his own identity as well as make a mark on the universe.

StarJam gave Ayaan the opportunity to perform on the stage for the first time ever at the End of Year Concert. This not only gave him confidence and taught him the meaning of team spirit but the appreciation and affection he received that night made his eyes sparkle. 

He was proud of himself AND we were proud of him! I hope he continues jamming with the group and attains new skills, enhances his talent and above all enjoys every moment spent at his 'happy place'. Thank you StarJam."



Where young New Zealanders with disabilities unleash their full potential through the magic of music, dance and performance.